Monday, June 27, 2011

full of romance !!!

♥ Even we all at dormitory got isolation.  But can't stop we goes online and interact each other.  and i can feel very happy because the problem is solved with my bf.  Sometimes i feel very awful without him.  I can't life, perfectly. He really makes me feel complete.  He is the only person i can believe.  I can't find anyone else love me like the way he is. I really hopes our relationship will be okay.  I really like him.  His character.  And all from him.  He is the totally complete package.  I can stand with all the good, and i must stand to for his 'bad' side. :) No one perfect. But... you can loving someone. perfectly... Hmm ilusm I.R... You really makes my day...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

life and romance

Sometimes, i feel like you are never want to understand me.
easily, you comes and go.  
Giving something my heart needed.
But someday you will go
without any sign and you changes the way i am
pain and suffering
sometimes i feel i can't survive
until here
i stands
but i don't feel right
your anger and your love
things i never can hesitate
i never can let you go

but i dont want to feel like this too

will you.. understanding me ?
how i feel inside
how much the love
but you. you...
breaking the shadow
shining my darkest life
someday i always believe
we will be together
but i'm tired of this
really tired.
or am i just start to believe i'm tired ?
and want to giving up ?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Delicious Mind

I visiting this blog,
very interesting blog because it post food and beverages that looks delicious. When i was kid, i always interested with have experiment with foods, with fried rice, i imagine i was a chef and i cook delicious, but the result sometimes the fried rice taste weird. :P And the photography at that blog is good so its combine with arts and foods. 

For now, i can't learn to cook because i life at dormitory and we are not allowed to do that.When i was kid, my mom always told me to not annoy her when she cooked because i will messed it up.  So when i grow up, i really want to learn cooking so when i'm getting married than, i want to buy fresh food everyday and delicious food for my husband so both of us will experiment with delicious food.  I want to cook healthy and delicious food so my husband will be missing my cooked ! 
I imagine every morning, i wake up early and he will start a day with a kisses from me and he will wake up with smelling a good breakfast. Hmm. I wish i could do that.  So now, because i still can't learn how to cook, i kept my dream to serve my 'potential' husband with delicious food.  And if i have a chance later, of course i want to take that !!! :)

4.13 AM

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why Write ?

Sometimes, i asking to myself? Why i write blog? Why i still write at blog but i never like all people i know read my blog, knowing my daily thought, judge about me.  I write blog, not anonymously.  I like to write.  But i'm not ready to publish my thought for all people.  At the real world, i'm a person who can be friends for anyone, i can be your friends just in a few minutes, maybe you will be my -people i ever seen- but not really friends.  A friends for me, not for a quantity, not about how much i have friends a day, but about quality.  How mych quality time i spent with that person.  Until now the greatest friend of mine is : My daddy ; Maybe when i still life at home we always argue and i can't agreed with him, but when i'm going to college, i start to see a different side of him, and we can discuss about many interesting things more intense than before.  Second is, my boyfriend, with him, i can spent all night long discuss so many things, even sometimes we have fight and annoyed with each other i can't deny how i love talking to him, even sometimes he don't listen and i feel like want to kick him. Hmm... We got punishment at our dormitory, so we can't use handphones and can't go out for four weeks.  Then i decided to write all my thought here besides my job to study for final exam and got a yahoo messenger from my boyfriend. Happy Thursday anyone :)

#Still 28 Days Left to Freedom


apa guna punya ilmu tinggi
kalau hanya untuk mengibuli
apa guna banyak baca buku
kalau mulut kau bungkam melulu
 di mana-mana moncong senjata berdiri gagah kongkalikong dengan kaum cukong . . .
. . . sajakku
adalah kebisuan yang sudah kuhancurkan sehingga aku bisa mengucapkan
dan engkau mendengarkan sajakku
melawan kebisuan
-Wiji Thukul

For some reason, i really love this guy.  The way he tell people how destiny is not fair to him, even sometimes i don't agree.  He kept too much pain for himself.  He missing until now.  It's very amazing because he came from the poor, can make a beautiful words.  I can listen his voice, his pain, and i can feel hurt and hate for people.  That is the bad side.  Because now i want to say : Enough.  Enough for hating, enough for being grumpy, enough.  I still can live well. I   will proof i can survive.  I will proof i can stand until the end! Lets fight.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Untuk yang ter (didik)

          Pendidikan, merupakan cetakan pertama manusia, busur panah yang akan meregang dan melesatkan panah.  Tanpa busur, panah hanyalah seonggok kayu yang tak akan banyak berguna.  Tak banyak artinya.  Sistem pendidikan, seperti halnya busur panah, adalah tempat peletakan pertama dimana anak panah akan menentukan arah, memperkuat pijakannya, suatu awal seluruh hal bermula, penerapan nilai-nilai, pelesatan pemahaman. Tanpa pendidikan, manusia akan tanpa arti.  Tanpa pendidikan, manusia akan tanpa makna.  Pendidikan, bukan hanya sekedar materi materi formal yang tersusun dalam kurikulum, tetapi juga seluruh aspek kehidupan, seluruh detik dari hidup, esensi hidup, yang otodidak sekalipun akan membentuk suatu pemahaman dan kemampuan, apalagi suatu sistem pendidikan yang terencana.  Kasus-kasus yang menodai sistem pemerintahan kini, dimana plin-plannya penguasa dalam mengambil keputusan terlalu memprihatinkan hingga satu demi satu koruptor lari ke Singapura dengan dalih yang seragam: sakit yang belum bisa disembuhkan di Indonesia, apakah mereka dilepaskan karena Indonesia malu belum bisa membuat fasilitas kesehatan sekelas rumah sakit-rumah sakit di Singapura tersebut?
            Sistem pendidikan , salah satunya yang adalah dengan adanya penekanan dari pengelola, yaitu orang-orang yang mempunyai kepentingan dan jabatan, dalam lingkup organisasi pendidikan, yang sangat menekankan mengenai prinsip ‘kebersamaan’ terhadap mahasiswa yang katanya bertujuan untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai kepada calon pemimpin di masa depan, dimana mewajibkan apabila satu orang yang berbuat salah, akan diambil hukuman secara kolektif, secara keseluruhan.  Pemikiran yang cukup baik, apabila dilandasi dengan penerapan proses yang baik pula, nyatanya, seperti potret hukum secara makro, begitu pula hukum yang berlaku secara mikro, dalam lingkup kecil, tetap ada pertimbangan-pertimbangan yang memprioritaskan kepentingan-kepentingan pribadi.  Pemikiran sempit dalam pendidikan, yang berpikir hanya untuk belajar dan belajar saja, tanpa berpikir secara aspek psikologis, bagaimana belajar dalam tekanan yang terus-menerus, dengan paksaan secara terus-menerus akan menimbulkan potensi konflik yang semakin besar pula.  Seperti contohnya, rencana masa ‘isolasi’ yang hampir enam minggu yang diberlakukan sebagai hukuman untuk satu angkatan, padahal angkatan tersebut sudah menginjak tahun kedua.  Memang, tidak banyak yang dapat dilakukan untuk merubah hal-hal yang bersifat ‘di luar’ kepentingan kita.  Tetapi objektifkah hukuman kolektif yang berlebihan tersebut, pantaskah pengelola terlalu jauh membatasi seseorang, tanpa memberikan hasil dan fasilitas yang memadai, apakah sudah mampu memenuhi semua kebutuhan dasar mahasiswa di asrama saja masih harus diberi tanda tanya besar.  Manusia memang tak pernah luput dari kesalahan, tapi pantaskah terlalu terburu-buru dalam mengambil keputusan untuk hasil yang belum tentu efisien, apalagi efektif tersebut? Mengapa harus membatasi, jika tidak bisa mendorong dan membantu mahasiswa untuk berkembang sepenuhnya? Setiap orang memang tidak pernah dapat lepas dari pikiran sempit dan picik, semoga kita semua terhindar dari hal tersebut.  

Tetapi karena sudah terlanjur, berpikirlah berbeda, tidak usah sudi menyerah pada nasib, tidak usah menyerah kalah, masih ada medan perang disana dimana masih ada kemungkinan  menang, menang melawan nasib, waktu akan membuktikan bahwa semua hal di luar tidak akan berpengaruh, segala yang tak adil ini akan lewat, saya lebih kuat daripada ketidakadilan, we will survive, friends ! :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Quotes of myday .

sometimes, when you know someone who will be glad if you falling down
You know something
That is Your Time to be the TOP.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Suatu hari kita memang harus menutup mulut kita
Untuk lebih banyak mendengar
Lebih banyak merasa
Suatu hari kita memang harus menutup rasa kita
Agar ia tidak terlalu renta
Agar ia tidak terlalu terluka
Terkadang kita harus berjalan laju
Seperti tidak mendengar apa apa
Seperti tidak mempunyai telinga
Agar bisa pura pura tidak mendengar apa apa
Terkadang kita memang harus lari
Lari sejauh jauhnya.
Agar ia tidak bisa menyakiti kita
Dari kenyataan
Agar kita bisa sedikit
Bernapas lega
Berpura pura

3  AM

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sometimes when i feel weird when i read my writing in English in this blog, i read again the nice article about using English to blog. And it makes me motivated to write again ! :)

There are at least top ten reasons on why an Indonesian blogger should blog in English. If you run a Bahasa Indonesia blog, like I do, you should have an English speaking blog as well. Here’s why:
1. My English writing skill is not good. I’d like to improve it by writing regularly in a medium where editorial barrier does not exist.
2. English is undoubtedly understood –though not necessarily spoken or written–by many, if not by most, influential people in the world. Hence larger audience, more visibility and influence of some sort.
3. Most internet-literate Indonesians understand English. Using English in my blog, therefore, does not hinder Indonesian readers to appreciate what I’d intend to convey to them, my primary audience.
4. Indonesian voices very much under-represented in the outside world simply because hardly any books, academic publication and conventional media are written in English. Indonesia — a country with more than 240 million population– has a very few English newspapers / magazines / portals and none of existing Indonesian magazines are in English. And hardly any best seller Indonesian books written by prominent intellectuals are written in or translated into English.
5. Among 10 percent of Indonesian internet users, only about 0.4 percent of them are blogging which means if you blog in Bahasa Indonesia you have to be satisfied with that of 0.4 percent readers who does not necessarily read your blog. Less potential readers will lead to less blogging courages.
6. It gives non-Indonesian a chance to know you and Indonesia: the mindset, culture, faith, etc. And it gives you more chance to interact with them. Hence, more understanding of multi-polar world and broaden your vista and horizon of thinking.
7. Depending on your blogging influence, but at the least it’ll give you more self-esteem by making more friends from various cultures across the continents.
8. There are many people outthere with good intention to make an interfaith and intercultural dialogue; every now and then they need a person from a particular country, say Indonesia, to talk to. Let them know that you are the person they want.
9. If your blog content is good, the possibility of being published and then reviewed by prominent international book reviewer is not far away.
10. Blogging in English, like blogging in any other languages including Bahasa Indonesia, is basically history in the making. The difference is by blogging in English you are making history in front of many faces and backgrounds from many countries and therefore it adds more to your credibility.

The source is here . Lets have fun and blogging then :)

Lets go to library !

Borrow 2 books for my assignment, but until now i only get two pages about poverty ! :(( . Maybe after today's pesiar i will be get another inspiration for doing my assignment.  Because we are getting closer to final exam so every subject give an assignment, but, to score for Prof. Syarief class that always give assignment and at this week he gave us three books for resume, make abstract and comment. #combo !!! :)

And everytime i borrow book i always borrow one book for killing time and keeping my spirit . :) I hope i will finish the book with the deadline ! Because we just get five days for borrow that. Lets read everyone!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

english drama

Today one of my plan is watching drama theater at taman budaya pontianak. We watched two sessions, at first we watched drama "beauty is the beast" tell a story about a beautiful princess that have a bad attitude and someday fate changed and she becomes ugly. The second drama is "people of the wind" quit interesting. But because i had a 5 am sleep last night i feel sleepy because they play the act too formal *of course because this is for they last exam practice* and after that i had a lunch with Irm at Kusno. A nice holiday <3

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coming home !!!

At first i just not being grateful and start to complain about my life after i see how much life outside my life now.  But i realize, this is my way, and my only way to life.  I still have a choice, to make it right or to make it wrong.  And when i watched TV i listen a beautiful quotes "You can lose your youth, but never make you lose your future".  And i know, what i can do now just believe it will be happen the greatest way even sometimes i can't understand because God do it mysteriously.

Now i really enjoy my holidays ! a red mark on calendar and the good news is finally i can get my freedom out of mess. To stay two nights at home. Really enjoy my time! So precious time to life outside the dormitory! I just get bored. But i know i must make it enjoyable to me.  Everywhere i am, just be the happiest one. :) Happy holidays !!! :)

By the way, finally i can get my own room. I almost leave it about one year :'( How i miss my 'own personal stuff' !

A comfort bed to long long sleep ;)

 A cupboard with all my clothes *while i live at dormitory my sister sometimes move it to her room* :p
My desks and some of my favourite books
 My place to watching TV, desk to studying when i still at high school*actually i have a new desk one, but my sister move it to her room ;p*, a soundsystem to a cool sounds effect and at the shelves in the box is all my dvd collection :)
My windows to the garden and my piano *My course stops when i got to college and live at dormitory, now noone play it when i'm not at home and i can't play it right yet* :(

 My spot goes online :)
  My high school wall of fame. I hope i can renew it after i stay at here for a long time :)

Hmmm... Thats a little part of my life.  Because sometimes i feel glad to share even to people i don't know or even to myself.  I hope i will always remember this, my up and down lifes when i look at this blog.  Actually i use blog to changes my old habbit write at a diary *you can look it above my clothes cupboard there is a box that contains all my diary from elementary to hogh school* Sometimes i don't satisfy yet if i share with some of my friends about my daily life, because they will have their own opinion, but if i share with things (diary books or blogs), i could reflect to myself how far i am and i can look it at the future and makes a new opinion and make a little awareness about myself.