Tuesday, May 31, 2011

*my dormitory room's view while i doing my assignment*
Life is not easy. You must know it from the first time you born as a baby, crying. It will gives you pain. It will gives you problems. You can choose. To die with all your problems, your hatred, your pain or your pride. Showing the world you will fight till the end of your story. Give a faith for people behind you, who always love you, trust you, think to makes you happier, for God, for your parents, for your boyfriend, friends and especially for yourself. I will live as i know it. To elaborate with world, join the competition, with my way. Maybe at the way i will falling down, many people will have a pleasure to show others people down. But keep faith in your heart. You will always do your best. I will always do best. I will make you proud, dad and mom ;')
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Monday, May 30, 2011

my final semester assignment

The final test for this 4th semester would be held at 27 june! Its about one month again for many test like academics and samapta. Well i must prepare my self and doing the assignment to making paper about 'the strategy for alleviating poverty' for development's theory subject and free topic for "governance's law". Then at the breaktime for the class i borrow some books.! I hope i can finish reading it soon and finish the assignment. But the tempt to read 'bumi manusia' book really annoy me. Lol. Have a busy week everyone! :)
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Finally i can get the book i can't get in gramedia pontianak. But my friends gave me free and he bought it online. The book from pramoedya ananta toer named "bumi manusia". Can't wait to read this. :)
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Monday, May 9, 2011

Let me be me

Fall a sleep with a tears on my face
Looking for sadness
Facing the life i can't deny
Sometimes hopeless
Sometimes desperates
In neverending suffer
In pain
In deep hate
But a little knock on my door 
call me
asking me to take a deep breath
Look how much life ever give to us
and lets live a new life
join a new gratefullness
put your sadness
let it be joy
to alive once again
once again i try
living in this world

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What Am I Do Now ?

I give myself a challenge to work as a team as a leader to write 25 pages of papers for a paper's competition with not enough time, not enough coordination, but i just challange myself to be dare. The main purpose is to explore my writing, and coincidentally i have an idea to develop the issue about cyberversity, the first virtual's university at Kalimantan Barat.  Search the data and just let myself write. I hope i can finish this before the deadline, it is Tuesday, but it must fix this sunday and get clarification at monday and i hope we are not get any big problems and could fix all the problems. And it would be one of my pride to show people i can do it, and i dedicate this to some people that always want to makes me feel bad and i hope they will regret it because i have a capable to do this things too, and i believe i can !. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Institution's Relation

Tittle : Hukum Tata Negara : Hubungan Antar Lembaga Negara Versi Amandemen UUD 1945
Penulis : Rahimullah, SH, M.Si
Penerbit : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Satyagama, Jakarta
Dicetak oleh : PT Gramedia
Cetakan Pertama Jakarta, April 2007

The government developed by history, started from the theory from France, Montesquie that concluded the power must related with human’s characteristic.  Human, assumed likes power, if use the power for their interest, and after they get power, would developed their power. From that characteristic Montesquie separated power, there are executives, legislative, and judicative. And each power used by different institution.

To operating the system of government, have two ways, parliamentary and presidential. At parliamentary, executive and legislative have a strong relation so executive just do all the policy from legislative? But at parliamentary, if had some different way from executive and legislative, legislative can’t do any interference and makes executive down until the era’s end.
At Trias Politica’s concept, designed for check and balances for controlling the government’s system, even sometimes make the government being labile when executives and legislatives have some different point of view.  Commonly, the government’s system developed by their coutry’s history.

The three differences of institution there are executives, as a implementator from what decided by legislative and formulate the policy.  Legislative, as a regulator’s making could use bicameral or unimeral. The bicameral’s system, adopted by England, Dutch and United States, to avoid making the policy’s in hurry, no more absolute power from parliament, and then judicative, that have power’s justice, assumed neutral from others, even practically, could interventioning by president that gift clemency and abolition.

At This Country, Indonesia, based by UUD NKRI 1945, country’s institution have four : 1. President, have the power to govern, 2. DPR, have the power to make regulation, 3. MA, have the judicial power, 4. MK have the judicial power. Beside that, there are another institution which is still a part of executive, legislative, or judicative there are BPK, have the adiministrative (inspectorate), Judicial’s Commision, Election’s Commision, and Central’s Bank.

UUD 1945 has changed, the matter is changed what called ‘the highest country’s instution’ to be ‘the high institution’, which is make the position balances, so could do the ‘check and balance’ s system, if they have some problem, so they could over that by constitutional court.

Hmm... Just try to write in English and love the concept, learning by doing.  And one four months again to finish this forth semester means, welcome the new fight of examination for this semester !!! 

With Love,


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

me and books

Since I was kid, I’m so in love with books ! When I still at elementary school and I have a bicycle, I save all my money to buy a crayon shinchan comic with Rp.10.000. So expensive when I’m at that age and its so hard to get that money. But I commited to buy it everytime the shop sells the new edition. And I, who still kids and so afraid to riding bicycle to Garuda Mitra that was far away from my house and must across the busy street.  But I go. And I love that books !
I think, my big passion for book start when I still 3 years old or more young from that age, when every night my father tell me a story before I go to bed.  The story of course have a moral story, but he make his own story so you can’t find it anywhere else. And every night, when I close my eyes to sleep, I start to have an imagination about the story and think about the next story. Then, my father always show me how books could help, he like books too. And he influenced me to love books too.
And I buy a novel last Sunday, pillow talk and writer vs editor, and rent to library two good books that related to my class. But, I still not finished it, sometimes I feel sleepy and lazy. Hmm. When I read book, I feel that I more productive and I can use my brain to think, not only let the brain not useful. LOL. And I when I feel so bored books can motivate me to do more. To achieve… more…

 Two books i rent from library. 
First book,i plan to finish it for 2 days for "Hukum Tata Negara : Hubungan Antar Lembaga Negara" from Rahimullah, SH. M.Si, with 227 pages. I think i need to read that for my "Hukum Tata Pemerintahan" class, and i have a new project, to resume what i read, and i hope at the next post i will give you my resume so i can study and  improve my skills to writing resume in English.:)
 Second Book is "Implementasi Otonomi Daerah dalam Perspektif Good Governance". And soon after read the book one i will give you my resume for this book.  This is my project to motivate me keeping reading and exploring my writing's skill.
